Officers - Hartford Council Princes of Jerusalem

Sovereign Prince –  John H LeDoux Jr 32°

Sovereign Prince John H LeDoux Jr 32°
High Priest Christopher D Ramsey 32°
Senior WardenEric J Pogg 32°
Junior WardenKevin C Zorda 32°
Master of CeremoniesDerick Bensley 32°
Master of Entrance Donald A Wills 32°
ChaplainIll. Earl S Evans MSA 33°            
Class MarshalAndrew C. Work 32°
HospitalerIll. Kevin J. Hecht 33°
PhotographerWilliam E. Mellow 32°
TreasurerDavid C. Lockard 32°
Asst. TreasurerThomas A. Duclos 32°
SecretaryIll. Tony S. Angelica 33°
Asst. SecretaryAndrew C. Work 32°
High Priest Thomas A. Duclos, 32°
Senior Warden Joseph J. Luchetti, 32°
Junior Warden Michael R. Charland, 32°
Master of CeremoniesPeter DiMauro, 32°
Master of Entrances Robert J. Wallace, 32°
Chaplain Paul D. Catanzaro, 32°
Class MarshalAndrew C. Work, 32°
HospitalerIll. Kevin J. Hecht, 33°
PhotographerWilliam E. Mellow, 32°
TreasurerIll. Anthony F. Keegan, 33°
Asst. TreasurerDavid C. Lockard, 32°
SecretaryIll. Tony S. Angelica, 33°
Asst. SecretaryAndrew C. Work, 32°